Incidencia de la Realidad Aumentada dentro de la enseñanza-aprendizaje en los estudiantes de Informática, Universidad Guayaquil

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Marilin Ledesma Acosta
Kimberly Litardo Santillan
Allison Villacres Mchelena


Augmented Reality in education is presented as a novel tool being applied in university students to have new strategies and experiences in the teaching-learning acquisition. The objective of this article is to propose the use of Augmented Reality as an educational tool allowing students to establish better performance, explanatory and creative necessary to achieve learning achievements in students of the seventh semester of the career of pedagogy of Experimental sciences, Informatics of cycle I 2022 - 2023. The following inquiry has allowed determining the incidence of AR in the learning environment by applying mixed methods, considering a non-experimental design with descriptive scope in the field development, in addition, using methods necessary for data collection, where a sample of 49 students under study who participated in a survey was identified, being of help for the respective results and new academic data assessing its impact. As a deduction of the work it could be determined that the students under study have a particular taste for the Augmented Reality as part of their development of meaningful learning, where the level of acceptance of this tool as a motivating and favorable methodology for the development of the contents seen in classes. It is recommended to establish the necessary standards of use of Augmented Reality in order to take advantage of the functionality it provides in virtual teaching.



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How to Cite
Ledesma Acosta, M., Litardo Santillan, K., & Villacres Mchelena, A. (2023). Incidencia de la Realidad Aumentada dentro de la enseñanza-aprendizaje en los estudiantes de Informática, Universidad Guayaquil . REVISTA REVICC, 3(5), 36–48.