Using streaming through Microsoft Teams to promote collaborative learning in the language arts area

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Gilda Zamora Solorzano
Paulette Quichimbo Piguave
Dayana Inca Naula


Streaming technology is creating new learning scenarios in education, being a pedagogical field tool with a high level of acceptance. Providing students and teachers with a didactic and varied online education. The results showed that the streaming technology through Microsoft teams is a powerful tool that allows to show and explain any topic within teaching and learning, the student can observe the study material as many times as required, this optimizes their knowledge because the student should not be satisfied with the only explanation given by the teacher in the classroom physically, but now will have the option to repeat the explanations as many times as desired. We can consider that the new virtual educational model is fully implemented, from a technological and didactic perspective, and its use will increase in the coming years. Day by day technology is advancing with it, society and the educational system are facing new changes as there is a great demand in the work environment to have a proper handling of technology. That is why educational institutions and teachers must be judicious because they know how important it is for students to master information and communication technologies. It was concluded that this technology has a high level of acceptance by students and teachers who consider it to be a useful tool for their students and teachers who consider it as an alternative to complement face-to-face classes.


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How to Cite
Zamora Solorzano , G., Quichimbo Piguave , P., & Inca Naula , D. (2024). Using streaming through Microsoft Teams to promote collaborative learning in the language arts area. REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 174–186.