Virtual learning platform using artificial intelligence to foster creativity in the area of mathematics

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Josué Hernández León
Ambar Aguirre Carpio
Verónica Farías Pérez


This research project dealt with the study of virtual learning platforms through artificial intelligence as these encourage creativity at the time of appreciating recent ideas that will help you solve problems that arise over time and challenges in the field of their learning and working environment as we can help us through artificial intelligence because it has the technology to reduce common errors that are more accurate and less harmful within the mistakes. Although we can highlight an important point that AI, allows us to perform multiple tasks to make the most of its resources. The disadvantages of AI are for having a very high price, large companies must invest a lot of money to implement them in their processes and managements.

Although as we know, virtual platforms use information and communication technologies (ICT) that will generate fundamental changes in education and use technological tools to change the behavioral objectives of students with teaching and learning methods. As a tool to be able to unite teaching with technology, the IBM-Cloud platform, Watson-Assistant, has been used in which an artificial intelligence was developed to help students to be stimulated with new challenges to follow in the field of mathematics.  In which a survey was made to students of the Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters of Education of the Career of Experimental Pedagogy of Informatics of the 3rd semester of the University of Guayaquil to know how artificial intelligence influences the development of creativity in the field of mathematics and thus reach a conclusion as to why this tool would be good for learning utility.


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How to Cite
Hernández León , J., Aguirre Carpio , A., & Farías Pérez , V. (2024). Virtual learning platform using artificial intelligence to foster creativity in the area of mathematics. REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 199–215.