Education in the Computer Cloud, "The use and application of the OneDrive storage platform to foster teaching and learning in the area of Graphic Design."

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Esteban Calva Rosales
Kevin Guerra Quiñónez
Marilin Ledesma Acosta


Currently the web 2.0 has provided new learning opportunities in Education, thanks to the different resources that exist to promote teaching-learning and the great advantages of collaborative work in the development and assignment of tasks that is done in the currently virtual classes, however, these tools must be applied correctly and entertaining to students. The following project is focused on the Cloud Tool "OneDrive" to teach the subject of Graphic Design, in a small sample of the population of students at the University of Guayaquil, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences: Career, Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences-Informatics, where it was possible to infer the respective results regarding the use and application of One-Drive to facilitate collaborative work and the acquisition of student learning to share, create and collaboratively design different educational resources, the same that are hosted in a cloud storage without the need to be saved on each of the computers, in addition, in the practical part of the project was chosen to design collaborative folders in OneDrive being the tool chosen to explain the importance of making use of cloud storage, an evaluation was carried out and a questionnaire was applied to a sample of students of the Informatics career, which was used to elaborate and infer the respective results of the research.


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How to Cite
Calva Rosales, E., Guerra Quiñónez , K., & Ledesma Acosta, M. (2024). Education in the Computer Cloud, "The use and application of the OneDrive storage platform to foster teaching and learning in the area of Graphic Design.". REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 187–198.