Development of educational video games in the sciences social

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Stiven Vera Cedeño
Nicole Lainez Tama
Milly Camacho Bohórquez


The current work is carried out through the collection and analysis of information aimed at changing educational trends, especially historical ones at the general education level. Through the realization of dual-method video games, the first has changed the traditional methodology. In our teaching environment, the second different means of promoting and promoting the "development of electronic games for teaching". The video game is created on the basis of an easy-to-learn method that incorporates the development of its software in the concept, planning, development, testing and closure phases, resulting in interesting and user-friendly products, using a set of methods, including scientific, inductive, deductive, information analysis, direct observation, scientific information search and other technologies, and using wordwall as a platform, this learning tool is digitized and made possible. The greatest achievement of this work is to motivate students to try another way of teaching, which is widely accepted by people who are actively involved in the development of video games.


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How to Cite
Vera Cedeño, S., Lainez Tama, N., & Camacho Bohórquez, M. (2024). Development of educational video games in the sciences social. REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 22–32.