5G Network To foster e-learning connectivity

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Jhostin Vargas-Sarmiento
Carlos García Magallanes
Nathalia Mota-Moran


This paper presents an analysis of the 5g network, this new mobile technology increases connection speed, minimizes latency and exponentially multiplies the number of connected devices. It is a wireless technology that will allow instantaneous transmission of huge amounts of data, presents benefits towards broadband wireless access functions, which is dominated to mobile communication systems for users, which creates an almost seamless connection between the digital and physical world. It will provide enormous value for consumers and industry in general, as well as the prospect of more speed than existing technologies.


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How to Cite
Vargas-Sarmiento, J., García Magallanes, C., & Mota-Moran, N. (2021). 5G Network To foster e-learning connectivity. REVISTA REVICC, 1(1), 8–16. https://doi.org/10.59764/revicc.v1i1.8