Desarrollo académico con la nueva formalidad de estudio a través de las clases online en los estudiantes de la Carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales Informática en la Universidad de Guayaquil

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Ruth Chiquito Maldonado
Odalis San Lucas Salvatierra
Génesis Martínez Govea


Abstract The objective of the project was to analyze the academic development of the students of experimental computer science pedagogy of the University of Guayaquil through an online course in a new way of learning, that is why the students were surveyed with 10 questions and it was determined That in this way can be a great way of life for most people. If the student feels that the classroom activity is appropriate, he is able to understand the subject of study, if it is beneficial for the family in the current social environment and if he agrees with the teaching method proposed by the teacher. But despite this there are some students in the course, if they achieve satisfactory results, it proves that much of the connection problem is being able to connect to the course, but they think it is because of the number of people in their house. at the same time connect. From this analysis it was concluded that the use of new forms of learning through online courses is effective.


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How to Cite
Chiquito Maldonado, R., San Lucas Salvatierra, O., & Martínez Govea, G. (2023). Desarrollo académico con la nueva formalidad de estudio a través de las clases online en los estudiantes de la Carrera de Pedagogía de las Ciencias Experimentales Informática en la Universidad de Guayaquil. REVISTA REVICC, 3(5), 4–17.