Plataforma Scratch: uso de juegos interactivos para fomentar la creatividad en el aprendizaje de Lengua y Literatura

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Gilda Lino Tigua


Currently, technology has advanced drastically worldwide, this has greatly benefited schools, colleges and universities, as well as many young people and children, which is why a didactic guide for the subject of language and literature will be implemented on the Scratch platform. in which it will include several interactive games so that the students are interested in the subject, what will it be for? Well, it will serve as a kind of manual for students when using it to learn a lot about the subject, encourage and expand their creativity. This platform uses a programming language for children and is used to create interactive stories, games and animations; in addition to facilitating the dissemination of creations made with other people through the web. This program will be subdivided into two sections, the first will be a thematic guide on the subject and the second section will contain games for children and young people, these will be based on the themes appropriate to their age. The guide will have well-known topics in the field of language and literature, since this matter is divided into branches such as morphology that talks about the structure of an object, in this case it would be the letters of a word, phonetics, which is the study of sounds and pronunciation of words, syntax that studies the rules and principles of a grammatical sentence and among other topics. We must bear in mind that today young people and especially children must learn more about this subject since it generates learning to speak, the correct way of writing and recognizing grammatical errors when writing a letter or email.


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How to Cite
Lino Tigua, G. (2023). Plataforma Scratch: uso de juegos interactivos para fomentar la creatividad en el aprendizaje de Lengua y Literatura. REVISTA REVICC, 3(5), 88–99.