Uso de las Plataformas Virtuales para Fomentar la Educación Hibrida

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Andrés Guillermo Balda Freire


Through this work we want to show how virtual platforms are increasing their use as it is widely used in educational institutions, higher education, among others. Thanks to these virtual platforms it should be noted that hybrid education is promoted for children, youth and adults, as they help teachers for their training to students, and in turn contributing to the environment, since physical resources are not used but digital, but we find negative factors such as the widening of the digital divide, educational inequalities, socioeconomic, which not all students have resources to have online classes.

These virtual platforms can be considered as a resource capable of improving the student's knowledge since it provides us with different applications of use promoting critical and analytical thinking.


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How to Cite
Balda Freire, A. G. (2023). Uso de las Plataformas Virtuales para Fomentar la Educación Hibrida. REVISTA REVICC, 3(5), 99–108.