Information journalism via streaming through the social network Facebook

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Jenner Pierda
Edward Baque
Jean Hungría
Emanuel Navarrete
Erick Vernaza


The informative journalism in the last years was modified by the arrival of the digital era, which brought new elements and platforms to communicate, at present the form as the information is consumed is different, the users accede to her easily and instantly through electronic devices with a connection to Internet. The media have the difficult task of adapting to this new consumer trend that is advancing by leaps and bounds, using various digital platforms for the consumption of information. For this research, streaming platforms were taken, because their value grew over the years, for the construction of new informative journalistic proposals. Professionals are anchored in traditional routines, in the radical separation between media, in one-way communication, in linear writing and in rigid closing schedules; and digital journalism involves not only overcoming these characteristics of conventional information, but adopting new skills, abilities, strategies and routines to adapt journalism to the web. It is important to be aware of this change because digital journalism is no longer a novelty for many, and while waiting for final decisions, the usual tasks continue to be moved. And it would be a lost opportunity for the journalistic profession, since the characteristics of digital technologies allow for a qualitatively different, and qualitatively better, journalism.


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How to Cite
Pierda, J., Baque, E., Hungría, J., Navarrete, E., & Vernaza, E. (2023). Information journalism via streaming through the social network Facebook. REVISTA REVICC, 3(4), 79–92.