Twitch streaming platform to promote learning in programming classes in computer science majors.

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Ariel Ramon
Lady Moran
Dayanara Lozano


The use of this technology, in the present project proposes the implementation of the Streaming Twitch platform for the reinforcement of programming classes, online education refers to courses or subjects and, more broadly to the instruction that is offered through the internet. Despite all the criticism against the online educational environment, recent studies on the future of education indicate that online teaching/learning is increasingly being adopted by institutions of high academic standing around the world. The drawback arises when proposals to employ new technological means are scarce and usually prefer to use outdated strategies or methodologies causing annoyance and discomfort in the school circle of the faculty, another drawback is that it is not easy for them to accept an innovative proposal because it must be filtered through a process before its implementation and prove that the given proposal is effective. That is why it is proposed to use streaming as a technological instrument that is awarded in the classroom with the idea that the 28 students of the chosen course do not feel limited and can appreciate a learning model that helps them obtain new ones knowledge in order to improve academic training as this platform is available as a mobile application would help a lot so that each subject would have a live streaming, to achieve uneven learning.


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How to Cite
Ramon, A., Moran, L., & Lozano, D. (2023). Twitch streaming platform to promote learning in programming classes in computer science majors. REVISTA REVICC, 3(4), 1–15.