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Fernanda Peralta-Miranda
Judith Gurumendi-Murillo


The objective of this article was to carry out a survey with the purpose of evaluating the ways of measuring the non-evident emotions of the students, it was reviewed are the main identified basic emotions, it was also diagnosed results of them are negative or positive and how we capture the different from each other. In addition, classify positive and negative emotions in the teaching-learning process, some of which are adapted to be able to obtain a real measurement of the emotions that are generated from the human being, in this case the survey to be carried out on certain students It is in order to recognize how students can make themselves known in class hours since in teachinglearning emotions have a very fundamental role with each of them and thus be able to carry out to know how their influence is on the classrooms.


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How to Cite
Peralta-Miranda, F., & Gurumendi-Murillo, J. (2021). EMOTIONS IN VIRTUAL LEARNING. REVISTA REVICC, 1(1), 34–43. https://doi.org/10.59764/revicc.v1i1.13