Minecraft Edu as a method for fostering creativity in collaborative learning in the area of history.

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N Gómez Medina
G Moran Quimis
C Arias Espinoza


This research focuses on qualitative-research methods in which learning through the Minecraft Edu application and its development through creativity and collaborative student learning is analyzed. Minecraft Edu is a version specifically designed for education. Minecraft is a standalone open-world building game in which students can open their imagination and thereby make constructions with textured 3D blocks. The Minecraft experience has been enhanced with creative mode and technological advancement in society by giving players unlimited access to the resources provided. This research aims to foster student creativity through the Minecraft Edu application in which collaborative learning can be developed in which focused on elementary school students with an age range of approximately 9 to 14 years old in which they provided a considerable increase in problem solving and "survival" through creativity and interactivity facilitating the understanding of the contents of the subject in question.


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How to Cite
Gómez Medina, N., Moran Quimis, G., & Arias Espinoza, C. (2024). Minecraft Edu as a method for fostering creativity in collaborative learning in the area of history. REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.59764/revicc.v4i6.115