Autonomous flying devices (drones) to motivate learning in geography in higher education

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Hefziba Elizalde Quiñonez
Anggy Olivo Vaca
Evelyn Guaman Minga


Drones have taken an evolutionary leap forward and it seems that many already see in their technology possible applications for the transportation of the future. This system has been shown to combine the best of autonomous cars and drones. On the one hand, its flight mode can avoid obstacles that a car could not and, on the other hand, ground driving saves the battery that a drone spends in the air. The objective of this project is to identify the potential of the use of drones that allows a better and creative way of teaching in the area of geography in higher education, this will be done through a research with analytical-synthetic method; which will measure the knowledge to increase this resource in the educational environment for better education at the higher level promoting new capabilities, skills and abilities in students as teachers.


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How to Cite
Elizalde Quiñonez , H., Olivo Vaca , A., & Guaman Minga , E. (2024). Autonomous flying devices (drones) to motivate learning in geography in higher education. REVISTA REVICC, 4(6), 1–12.