Evolving Education: A Conceptual Study of Its Transformation Over Time A Conceptual Study of Its Transformation Over Time

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This scientific article focuses on the constantly changing phenomenon of education and performs a detailed conceptual analysis of its evolution throughout various eras. As society has progressed, the educational field has undergone notable transformations in its approaches and practices.

This comprehensive study examines the evolution of education from its traditional approach of mere transmission of knowledge to its transition towards a holistic approach that includes the development of socio-emotional competences, the stimulation of creativity and critical thinking, as well as adaptation to innovations. emerging technologies.

The analysis also sheds light on how education has advanced in terms of accessibility and equity, underscoring the crucial importance of ensuring equal opportunities to access high-quality and relevant education for all individuals.

The article explores in detail contemporary trends in education, such as the focus on project-based learning, the integration of digital technologies, and the implementation of distance learning modalities. It reflects on how these trends are shaping the teaching-learning process.

In summary, this conceptual study on the evolution of education throughout history provides a complete overview of the changes and currents in this crucial field. It highlights the urgent need to adjust to the changing demands of a dynamic society and provide an equitable and quality education to all individuals.


Keywords: Education, Evolution, Learning, Opportunity, Equity, Accessibility.


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How to Cite
SALAZAR MARTINEZ, E. (2023). Evolving Education: A Conceptual Study of Its Transformation Over Time: A Conceptual Study of Its Transformation Over Time. REVISTA REVICC, 3(5), 28–37. https://doi.org/10.59764/revicc.v3i5.104