Politíca Editorial
Publication and authorship The Magazine does not accept previously published material. Authors are responsible for
obtaining the corresponding permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or
figures) from other publications and for correctly citing the source. The collaborations
that appear here do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the Magazine. Collaborations
are published under the responsibility of the authors. If the author of an article wishes to subsequently include it in another publication, the
journal in which it is published must clearly identify the data of the original publication,
prior authorization requested from the Editor of the journal. For its part, the Magazine reserves the rights to print and reproduce all or part of the
material as well as the right to accept or reject the article. It also reserves the right
to make any editorial changes it deems appropriate.
Full article. Document that presents, in detail, the original and unpublished results of
a research work. Review article (Review). Document resulting from a research that analyzes, systematizes
and integrates the results of published or unpublished research in a field of science or
technology, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized
by a careful bibliographic review of at least 25 references. Rates The journal does not charge fees for submission, review, publication and editing of
articles. The editorial process for free and profitable publications is the same, complying with
all the standards required by good editorial practices.
Peer review process
Once the relevance and scientific solvency of the manuscript has been determined by the
Editorial Board, the document is sent to a minimum of two internationally recognized
experts in the field, using the internationally standardized system of double-blind peer
review, which guarantees the anonymity of the manuscripts and their reviewers.
If there are dissenting results, they will be submitted to a third opinion, which will be
final. As a measure of transparency, the list of reviewers is available on the REVICC page,
which is updated annually.
The result of the evaluation is made known to the author along with the comments,
suggestions and observations of the evaluators, within a maximum period of three months
from the date of receipt of the original. In all cases, the evaluations are final.
When articles are rejected because the topic does not correspond to the Journal's
guidelines, double-blind peer review is not performed.
When the result of the evaluation is positive and modifications have been indicated,
the manuscript will be reworked according to the evaluators' suggestions. The author may
argue about the aspects with which he does not agree, or choose to withdraw the proposal.
The new version must be sent within two weeks; If this expires, the article will be
considered rejected. The reworked text will be sent to one of the specialists who
originally refereed it to verify that the suggestions were made, and to a new expert on
the subject to decide whether to accept the original for publication. Once the second
version is accepted by the academic peers, no further modifications can be made, with the
exception of adaptation to the journal's standards for sending originals.
It is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
The magazine only retains the rights to publish the works, in digital version.
The articles published in the REVICC Magazine retain the copyright of the published works,
and encourage and allow their reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
Ecuador license, so they can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly displayed,
as long as the authorship and original source of their publication are cited. They are not
used for commercial or expensive purposes. Mention must be made of the existence and
specifications of this license of use.
Open access policy.
REVICC is an Open Access journal that allows authors to reuse published works for
non-commercial purposes, with the purpose of promoting the dissemination of knowledge,
which encourages greater global knowledge exchange.
Readers' rights.
Readers have the right to read all our articles for free, publications do not charge any
money for publication or access to their material.
Privacy statement
We declare that all names, personal data and email addresses entered into REVICC will be
used exclusively for the purposes declared by this code of ethics and editorial policy
and will not be available for any other purpose or to another person. The editors will
protect the personal data of contributors.
Rules for the presentation of originals
The REVICC journal is a biannual publication, open to all disciplines. It includes
research articles, critical analysis of documentary testimonies, reports of artistic
works, news, biographies and reviews of publications within the field of artistic
production in all its manifestations.
Instructions for authors
The estimated publication time of the article will be approximately 6 months considering
the publication times of the magazine's volumes (January, April, July, October). When you
upload an article to the magazine's website you will automatically receive an email
confirming the sending of your publication.
Within a period of 3 to 6 weeks, the manuscript will be responded to for acceptance for
review or rejection (according to editorial guidelines).
The respective corrections of the peer evaluations will be sent within a period of no
more than 4 months. After verification and compliance with the requested changes and
adhering to the editorial standards of the magazine, the certificate of acceptance of its
publication will be issued, which establishes the date and volume in which it will be
Requirements for the presentation of originals
By sending a text, the author agrees to sign the ethical declaration that appears in the
magazine's formats, in which he states that it is an unpublished, original and relevant
collaboration for his discipline. Letters can be sent to magazinerevicc@gmail.com or
magazinerevicc@ceocapacitacionesstrategias.com. The texts will be received through the
REVICC journal platform and will be mandatory identified with the full names, emails,
Orcids and affiliation of the authors. Texts in Spanish, English and Portuguese are
accepted. Authors who wish to submit a text in another language should contact the editors.
It is declared that all authors have contributed intellectually and physically to the
preparation of the manuscript and that they have read and approved the submitted
You have the right to use all images, figures, tables, illustrations, maps, diagrams or
others present in the work (if any).
They acknowledge that the Magazine does not necessarily share the statements made in the
Admit that the application and possible publication of the article in this Magazine will be
governed by the editorial policies of the magazine, the institutional norms of the
publishing house and the legislation and jurisdiction of the Republic of Ecuador.
It is agreed that if the article is published, the copyright will be transferred to the
Magazine. At the same time, the letter must be signed by all authors and must be sent
together with the manuscript. The letter of originality and transfer of rights must be
downloaded from our website.
The Word file must be written with space and a half, with margins of three centimeters and
must be the final version of the text. The length should fluctuate between 10 and 22 pages
for all articles; critical analyzes of documentary testimonies and reports of artistic
works must be between 5 and 12 pages; in the case of reviews, news and biographies between
3 and 10 pages. The first page must include the title and subtitle of the collaboration,
the name of the author and the institution to which it belongs. All divisions or sections
will be marked with left-aligned headings separated from the text by a preceding and
following line. Textual quotes of more than five lines must be transcribed in a separate
paragraph, without modifying the general spacing, and with lower punctuation. The footnote
calls will be composed of flown Arabic numerals, arranged consecutively, and will be placed
after the punctuation marks.
A summary of the content of the article must be included in a maximum of 250 words, as well
as a curricular summary of the author, no longer than 120 words (with name, affiliation,
email, lines of research and publications). It is also necessary to provide between 5 and
7 keywords to identify the content.
A Word file will be sent as a reference with the images and their corresponding captions
numbered according to their appearance in the text, accompanied by the duly completed
“Form for submitting images.” It is important to ensure that the images meet the general
requirements, such as: sharpness, definition, good frame, so that they achieve good quality.
If you have plates, slides or photographs printed on photographic paper, the size must be
at least 5 x 7 cm for printing quality. Once digitized, the original material will be
returned to you.
If digital images are delivered, they must meet the following requirements: a) photographs
and halftones: at 300 dpi, in .tif format and 14 cm wide; b) line drawings (maps, diagrams,
diagrams: at 1200 dpi, in .tif format and 14 cm wide. They must be delivered numbered
inside a CD (labeled with the name of the author, the name of the article and the date the
disc was recorded); or they can be sent by email or Dropbox for which it is necessary
that the files be numbered according to their illustration captions.
Digitizations of books or magazines are not accepted.
Illustration captions: the numbering will be according to the names of the files delivered,
followed by: author, title of the work, date, dimensions, city. Source or collection.
Photographic credit © or to whom the economic rights of the image correspond for paper
and electronic edition.
Reproduction permissions: the author must submit in writing the reproduction permissions
for the illustrations that require it, for the online edition. Only when the magazine has
inter-institutional agreements can permits be processed by the legal area of the magazine's
Publications Department.
The editors of the journal may request modifications or reject the contribution based on
the resolutions of the opinions, which may be: a) approved without changes, b) approved
with suggestions, c) approved conditional on making the indicated changes, d) or rejected.
If it is only a matter of responding to suggestions or conditions, the author will detail
the changes made to his text. The editors will review the modifications introduced by the
author in relation to the suggestions or conditions of the opinions and then proceed, only
in case of compliance, to their acceptance.
If the author does not agree with the opinions, he may argue his disagreement in writing.
The editors of the magazine together with the Editorial Board will assess the situation and,
if necessary, request a third opinion.
REVICC requires that authors own the copyright to the journal REVICC Journal of Scientific
Research for all Sciences so that their article and materials are edited and published in
electronic media or in any other technology for exclusively scientific and cultural and
non-profit purposes. To do this, the authors must send the letter-transfer of copyright
ownership format, duly completed and signed. This format is sent by correspondence or email
as a PDF file in the review process.
Once the text has been accepted and the previously stated requirements have been met, the
complementary material (images and reproduction permissions) will be reviewed. It is the
authors' obligation to replace any material that does not meet the printing quality.
If necessary, the editors, in common agreement with the authors, may request modifications
from the authors, in order to respect the editorial design.
Authors must commit to reviewing their article (in order to approve the correction of style)
as fine proofs (to corroborate that the sequence of the images is correct and that they
correspond to their captions). In no case will major modifications to the text be accepted.
Code of ethics and good editorial practices
From the editorial staff.
The editor and the members of the Editorial Board must maintain absolute confidentiality
about the materials received and the discussions related to decision-making.
All names, personal data and email addresses entered in REVICC magazine are used exclusively
for the editing purposes declared in this code of ethics, so they will not be available for
any other purpose or person. The editors protect the personal data of contributors.
The editorial body of the journal has the obligation to communicate to the author any matter
related to their collaboration during the evaluation process and editorial production.
From the authors.
The nominated articles must be the product of original and unpublished research, they must
not have been previously published by any printed or electronic media, except personal
and/or institutional repositories of limited dissemination. The texts must not be submitted
simultaneously in another publication.
The authors are solely responsible for the content of the texts and for any litigation or
claim related to intellectual property rights, for which they must exonerate the editorial
staff of the magazine.
The authors must provide all information related to the research that supports the article,
as well as specify if it is part of any other research in progress and if it was presented
at a seminar or conference.
Authors must acknowledge their scientific debts, clearly specifying the origin of their
ideas, methodologies, sources, etc., so that readers can consult them and contrast, if they
consider it necessary, the use that has been made of them.
Authorship changes
It refers to the addition, removal or rearrangement of the order of authors. Before the
article is published, the corresponding author may request the Editor to add, delete or
modify the order of authors. You must indicate the reason for making the modification and
send a written communication signed by all authors certifying that they all agree with the
modification. In case of addition or removal, the written communication must include
confirmation from the author(s). Once the article is published, addition, removal or
modification in the order of authors is not accepted.
From the peer evaluation process.
The nominated articles are reviewed anonymously by at least two academic peers who are
experts in the topic of the text. The evaluators are suggested by the members of the
Editorial Board. In the event of a discrepancy between the evaluations, the text is sent
to a third referee whose decision will define the final ruling. The Editorial Board is
responsible for weighing lax or biased opinions to ensure a fair and impartial evaluation.
Authors must ensure that the article and supporting files do not contain metadata that
jeopardizes the anonymous review process.
The editor will inform the author of the results of the opinions with the comments,
suggestions and observations of the evaluators within a maximum period of 4 months from
the date of receipt of the original. The result of the evaluation is final in all cases.
When the result of the evaluations determines the introduction of additions and/or
modifications, the editor will request the reworking of the manuscript in accordance with
said indications. The authors have the right of reply, so they can argue about the aspects
of the opinions with which they do not agree, as well as choose to withdraw their proposal.
Corrected versions must be submitted within a period of no more than 4 weeks. The reworked
text will be sent to the specialists who refereed it so that they can verify that their
suggestions were addressed. Once the second version has been accepted by academic peers,
no new modifications may be made, with the exception of adaptation to the journal's
standards for the delivery of originals.
Reviews are not evaluated.
Of the adjudicators
The assessor undertakes to carry out the evaluation in the established format and period.
If you cannot comply with the provisions, you must decline the request.
When the evaluator identifies the authority of the manuscript, he or she must reject the
Editor's invitation for review.
When evaluators find signs of inappropriate behavior in the articles: plagiarism,
self-plagiarism, excessive use of self-citation, false or manipulated data, incorrect or
inappropriate citations, double submission of manuscripts, they must inform the editor,
who will consider it rejected, indicating the reason. If the lack is discovered in the
course of editorial production, the article in question will be withdrawn, if it happens
when it has been published, the electronic version will be deleted.
Evaluators must maintain absolute discretion, which means refraining from disseminating
or commenting on the works received for judging.
The editor undertakes to respond quickly and in a reasoned manner to any complaint from
authors, reviewers or readers that are considered relevant.
Ethical misconduct will be punished depending on its severity. In the case of suspicion
or well-founded accusation of plagiarism, an ethics committee composed of peers will be
established to investigate the accusations and recommend sanctions. In case of
confirmation of plagiarism, the article will be removed from the journal and a legend
will be placed with the reasons why it was removed.
REVICC adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) code of conduct standards:
https://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_M ar11.pdf
Archive policy
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among participating
libraries, allowing those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for
preservation and restoration purposes. In addition, this journal uses different national
and international repositories, such as Latindex, Google Scholar and the Institutional
Repository of Editorial REVICC, which archive digitally and guarantee indexing, which can
be accessed from link:
Publication ethics
Submitting an article means that it has not been previously published, that it is not
being considered for publication in any other medium (except theses and degree works) or
in any other language, and that it is being submitted with the knowledge of all authors.
Failure to do so violates REVICC ethics policies.
Conflict of interest
The authors must declare that they do not have any potential or actual conflict of a
financial, personal or any kind with other people or organizations in the following two
years after any article, which could negatively influence the work carried out.
Declaration of ethics and good practices
The REVICC editorial committee is committed to high standards of ethics and good practices
in the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, to guarantee rigor and scientific quality.
That is why it has adopted as a reference the Code of Conduct that, for editors of
scientific journals, has been established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE),
which highlights:
General obligations and responsibilities of the editorial team
As the top managers of the journal, the editorial board of the Journal of Science and
Research is committed to:
Join efforts to satisfy the needs of readers and authors.
Strive for the continuous improvement of the magazine.
Ensure the quality of the material that is published.
Ensure freedom of expression.
Maintain the academic integrity of its content.
Prevent commercial interests from compromising intellectual criteria.
Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
Relations with authors
REVICC is committed to ensuring the quality of the material it publishes, informing about
objectives and standards of the magazine. The editor's decisions to accept or reject a
document for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality
and the relevance of the study in relation to the editorial line of the journal.
The magazine includes a description of the processes followed in the peer evaluation of
each work received. It has a manuscript submission manual for authors in which this
information is presented periodically. The right of authors to appeal editorial decisions
is recognized.
The editor will not modify its decision in accepting submissions, unless irregularities or
extraordinary situations are detected. Any change in the members of the editorial
committee will not affect the decisions already made, except in exceptional cases in which
serious circumstances come together.
Relations with evaluators
REVICC makes available to evaluators a manual for evaluating manuscripts about what is
expected of them. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, guaranteeing
their anonymity.
Peer evaluation process
REVICC guarantees that the material submitted for publication will be considered reserved
and confidential while it is evaluated (double blind).
REVICC is committed to responding quickly to complaints received and ensuring that
dissatisfied complainants can process all their complaints. In any case, if the interested
parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they have the right to
raise their protests to other instances.
Promoting academic integrity
REVICC ensures that the material it publishes complies with internationally accepted
ethical standards.
Protection of individual data
REVICC guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (for example, of teachers
and/or students participating as collaborators or study subjects in the research presented)
Monitoring of bad practices
REVICC assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or
inappropriate conduct. This obligation extends to both published and unpublished documents.
The editor will not only reject manuscripts that raise concerns about possible misconduct,
but considers itself ethically obligated to report alleged cases of misconduct. The
journal will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the works submitted for evaluation
are rigorous and ethically appropriate.
Integrity and academic rigor
Whenever it is known that any published work contains material inaccuracies, misleading or
distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately.
If any work is detected whose content is fraudulent, it will be removed as soon as it is
known, immediately informing both the readers and the indexing systems.
The following are considered unacceptable practices, and as such the following will be
reported: the simultaneous submission of the same work to several journals, duplicate
publication or with irrelevant changes or paragraphs of the same work, or the artificial
fragmentation of a work into several articles.
Relations with magazine owners and editors
The relationship between editors, publishers and owners will be subject to the principle
of editorial independence. REVICC will always ensure that articles are published based on
their quality and suitability for readers, and not with a view to financial or political
gain. In this sense, the fact that the magazine is not governed by economic interests, and
defends the ideal of free access to universal and free knowledge, facilitates this
Conflict of interest
REVICC will establish the necessary mechanisms to avoid or resolve possible conflicts of
interest between authors, evaluators and/or the editorial team itself.
Any author, reader, evaluator or editor can send their complaints to the competent bodies.
All manuscripts submitted for review are inspected by a disciplined anti-plagiarism policy
that ensures the originality of the articles. REVICC has the license of the URKUND program
for the review of all its articles. The percentage degree of similarity of the document is
less than 10% that the magazine accepts in the editorial process.
REVICC has added values such as:
A repository (https://revicc.ceocapacitacionesstrategias.com/index.php/journal/issue/archive)
as a backup for your articles and additional documentation such as peer evaluation, rights
session file among others
A communication channel is permanently enabled through Revistarevicc@gmail.com, to resolve
researchers' concerns.
Articles carry the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier,)
Each article has its respective DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique and permanent
identifier for electronic publications.